Terms & Conditions

Terms of Ser­vice — POVILENAS

Effec­tive Date: 04.03.2024

1. Intro­duc­tion

The present gen­er­al terms and con­di­tions of sale (here­inafter the “Gen­er­al T&C”) are applic­a­ble to any online sale of prod­ucts bear­ing the trade­marks “POVILENAS”  (here­inafter referred to as the “Prod­ucts”), through the offi­cial e‑commerce web­site www.povilenas.com (here­inafter the “Web­site”), pro­posed by the com­pa­ny POVILENAS, a sim­pli­fied joint stock com­pa­ny, with reg­is­tered seat at 50, avenue des Champs Ely­sees, 75008 Paris France, duly reg­is­tered at the Com­pa­ny House of Paris under the num­ber 985 142 751 RCS Paris (here­inafter referred to as “POVILENAS”).

2. Orders and Ship­ping

Online orders are typ­i­cal­ly processed with­in 24 hours, exclud­ing week­ends and hol­i­days. In the event of unavail­abil­i­ty or deliv­ery delays, we will noti­fy you prompt­ly via email. Prices on our online store are in EUR and include VAT. Goods are deliv­ered via Postal Ser­vices or UPS, and track­ing infor­ma­tion is pro­vid­ed. Stan­dard Reg­is­tered Post/Priority ship­ping takes approx­i­mate­ly 5–10 days, while UPS deliv­ery is esti­mat­ed at 3–5 days.

3. War­ran­ty

For any issues with ordered clothes, con­tact POVILENAS with­in 5 busi­ness days. We pri­or­i­tize cus­tomer sat­is­fac­tion. War­ran­ty cov­er­age excludes dam­ages caused inten­tion­al­ly or by the cus­tomer.

4. Return Pol­i­cy

If dis­sat­is­fied with a pur­chased item, you may return it with­in 14 days for store cred­it, exclud­ing ship­ping expens­es. Returned goods must be in the orig­i­nal con­di­tion. Povile­nas Fash­ion House does not com­pen­sate for lost pack­ages dur­ing return ship­ping. Refunds for faulty prod­ucts will be processed with­in 30 busi­ness days of receiv­ing the returned items.

5. Pri­va­cy Pol­i­cy

When pur­chas­ing from Povile­nas Fash­ion House, we col­lect only nec­es­sary infor­ma­tion for order pro­cess­ing. This includes con­tact details and pay­ment infor­ma­tion. Infor­ma­tion is shared only with the shipping/delivery com­pa­ny to facil­i­tate deliv­ery.

6. Dis­claimer

This site and its prod­ucts are pro­vid­ed ‘as is.’ POVILENAS makes no war­ranties or rep­re­sen­ta­tions, with dis­claimers not applic­a­ble to con­sumer pur­chas­es.

7. Copy­right

All prod­ucts on the POVILENAS site are pro­tect­ed by copy­right. Con­tent, includ­ing images, illus­tra­tions, graph­ics, and text, is sub­ject to copy­right and/or oth­er intel­lec­tu­al prop­er­ty rights held by POVILENAS. Unau­tho­rized use is pro­hib­it­ed.

8. Pur­pose of Using Per­son­al Infor­ma­tion

We use col­lect­ed per­son­al infor­ma­tion for var­i­ous objec­tives, includ­ing ship­ment, pay­ment set­tle­ment, after-sales ser­vice, prod­uct devel­op­ment, and cus­tomer com­mu­ni­ca­tion. Infor­ma­tion may be shared with third par­ties for appro­pri­ate busi­ness oper­a­tion.

9. Gen­er­al Inquiry and Cus­tomer Ser­vice

For inquiries and cus­tomer ser­vice, please con­tact us:

  • Email: contact@povilenas.com
  • Address: 50 avenue des Champs Ely­sees, 75008 Paris France
  • Phone: +33788629896

For any fur­ther infor­ma­tion or clar­i­fi­ca­tion, feel free to reach out to us. Thank you for choos­ing POVILENAS.