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2018: Found­ed Fash­ion House in Vil­nius, Lithua­nia.

2019: Pro­duced the inau­gur­al col­lec­tion titled “I’m Not in Love.”

2021: Expand­ed oper­a­tions by found­ing a Fash­ion House in Berlin, Ger­many.

2021: Fea­tured in the Lon­don Fash­ion Week pro­file.

2022: Attained the sta­tus of Pro­fes­sion­al Art Cre­ator in Lithua­nia.

2022: Became a proud mem­ber of the Fash­ion Coun­cil Ger­many.

2023: Expand­ed oper­a­tions in Paris, France.





 Objec­tive­ly fash­ion found me quite late. But if I reflect close­ly, it has been there a long time. I remem­ber a small boy hid­ing under his blan­ket. There it was dark and qui­et enough to dive into his own world of thoughts and cre­ation. He loved to draw lines and only lines – cre­at­ing a sketch that would just make sense to him but prob­a­bly no one else. He found com­fort in this, as he seemed to not fit into the real world sur­round­ing him. As he grew up, his own world began to blur with real­i­ty and swal­lowed his emo­tion to appear more mas­cu­line. He trained in two bas­ket­ball teams until he, in fact, blacked out. His heart start­ed to reflect the abuse of his body until he was forced to stop by doc­tors. A year of self-reflec­tion began, and enor­mous sen­si­tiv­i­ty re-appeared from deep inside. He worked in a cloth­ing store and began to see the pat­tern of each piece. Pat­tern made of lines that he knew so well. Those lines made sense to him. What made no sense to him, were the emo­tions he felt while look­ing at them. He nev­er liked to feel. But he was impressed by the pow­er that the gar­ments had on him – by the trans­fer of emo­tion that hit his own deep inside. Despite some sort of inter­nal refusal, he remained curi­ous and start­ed to learn and study the art of how to design and pro­duce a gar­ment. As he held his first piece in his hands, he felt an inde­scrib­able mix­ture of feel­ings, most pro­nounced a great relieve. A relieve from the emo­tion he could nev­er express but was able to put into this piece. And hoped oth­ers would feel the same. Today, after the wrap of my first col­lec­tions I want to go back and hug this lit­tle boy. The boy that final­ly found his pow­er in sen­si­tiv­i­ty.





I am sim­ple man. I do not need so much.But I need soli­tude to arrange my thoughts in a manner,so that I under­stand them. My brain seems to be extreme­ly biased to see the aes­thet­ic and exclude the rest. I would be aware, but not focus on thoughts and per­cep­tions caus­ing neg­a­tive emo­tions in me.Sometimes it may hap­pen that I find myself far from reality.Moments of ratio­nal­i­sa­tion will fol­low and ground me.Those are unpleas­ant, but necessary.This oscil­la­tions are essential.They dri­ve the process to cre­ate a my own world of aes­thet­ic.